Saturday, January 7, 2012

Lemons and Cup

I've been battling with photography for a week now and after trying every combination of incandescent and CFL bulbs I could think of, I tossed them all into a box and brought everything outside. The pics are the best I can get for now with my 3 pixel Canon A70 and a very old monitor (the poor artist thing is highly over-rated). So let me know if these look any better and I'll see if I can scare up a new monitor and maybe borrow a better camera.
"Lemons and Cup"
10" x 5 3/4"
Oil on canvas board


  1. I think this pic came out brighter and clearer than the prior pics. Seeing things in person is always better when possible, but this came out very nice.

  2. I agree. The chosen colors really go nicely together. great work!
