Tuesday, November 20, 2012

All of my paintings not sold thru auction at Daily Paintworks or otherwise purchased will be available with links to Paypal on my blog here and at Daily Paintworks as soon as I can get the links all posted correctly. I apologize if there was any confusion on how to purchase my paintings and hopefully the new links will make it easier. If you still have problems or have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to contact me and I'll answer as best I can. If you would like to view new paintings as I post them, enter your e-mail address in the little box below the Paypal logo on the right. You won't get spammed and it's a little easier than having to search around online. Have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!


Friday, September 14, 2012

Heirlooms and a Cherry

"Heirlooms and a Cherry"
Oil on board
It was record breaking hot here this year and all my tomatoes split like crazy. The long thin ones on the right are called Teressa's Roma and even though the top inch or 2 looked rotten, they weren't.They are so solid that even though you cut the bad spots from the tops there is more taste and meat than any hybrid I've ever tasted.
Buy This Painting with PayPal

Monday, July 9, 2012

Handcrafted Leather Leashes

I was asked by the owner of a Made in U.S.A. only, organic dog food shop to make some leashes and collars, etc.and this is what I came up with so far. Made with American vegetable tanned leather, the bottom braid is what they call a blood knot but the tricky part was the handle because to make the braid 2 pieces are pulled thru each other and it took me a bit to figure that out. I added copper rivets which may be overkill but I wanted no chance of it coming apart. My buddy suggested I condition them with beef fat to make them more dog friendly but I couldn't bring myself to do it. Instead they're treated with Lexol conditioner followed by Neatsfoot Oil and finally with a bees wax paste. They come with a Lifetime Guarantee if the dog doesn't eat it or it's used to tow your car, left in a puddle for a month or something abusive like that. I cut them from sides of leather myself so lengths available will vary depending on how far down the skin I am. These are around 5' but I'll set aside some longer ones with the next side I buy. If you'd like one they're $25 plus $5.00 shipping. Just specify black or brown and if you need a specific length. I hope to have hardware in antique brass soon as well. An interesting note about the black is that dyeing is notorious for rubbing off so I use an old saddle makers concoction called vinegroon made from mixing vinegar and rusty iron. After sitting a couple of weeks the piece is dipped in it and the tannins react to create this nice jet black. Pretty cool eh? Pretty long post too...oh well. If you'd like to see some of the other things I've done in leather click here.
Thanks for looking.


Saturday, June 23, 2012

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


This is a charcoal portrait of my nieces' daughter Kaylee that I did for their wedding to go along with the sheath. I hadn't done one in awhile and I really enjoyed it as a break from painting. It's done on 18"x24" Strathmore charcoal paper. I think I'll be doing more in the future.

Frank's Sheath

Here's a rawhide sheath I recently made for my nieces' husband Frank. It's made from deer rawhide, cowhide, buffalo, pig and kangaroo with bone and antler beads and button. The cone danglers are horse hair. I read somewhere that the Native Americans believed they would inherit the spirit and traits of the animals they carried. I figured he might need all the help he can get.
Wow, I didn't think it was this long since I had last posted. I've been busy enjoying the weather, getting healthy, planting the garden, doing leather work and painting...and keeping my fluids up. Still have the crappy camera problem but I'll have to live with it for now. I'm going to try to post a little more often now that I have more time.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Grey Study with Skull

"Grey Study with Skull"
6" x 6"
Oil on canvas board
Buy This Painting with PayPal

A friend unfamiliar with blogs asked me how they could comment on specific paintings...I can see where it's not real obvious so all you have to do is click where it says "0 comments" in the white box below this post, fill out the form and hit publish. You can leave a name or be anonymous and I think the thing even has spell-check. I'm happy to get any kind of critique, comment, opinion, rant or rage, good, bad and ugly. You can even send me money if you can't resist but it's definitely not required.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

It was suggested to me this morning that I should offer commissions of small still life paintings. I think it's a good idea and believe I'll give it a try for awhile to see what happens. If you have a theme, idea, object, subject, etc. that you'd like to have painted or just as a suggestion to add to my auctions, you can contact me here or over at Daily Paintworks and I'll see what I can do. Commissions are $100 +$10 shipping thru Paypal for a 6" x 8" and I'll post it here so you can see what it looks like before you buy it.
Thanks Big Don!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

I have decided to start selling my work on Daily Paintworks instead of eBay. The blog will stay the same but the link to bid will take you to their auction instead of eBay. I have a gallery there and each time I post a painting it will go onto their opening page.Click one of the links on the right and check them out. It's a little intimidating to have my work with such great painters and I hope it will push me into doing better work myself. If something doesn't work please let me know, it may take me awhile until I get it all figured out.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Friday, January 13, 2012

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Lemons and Cup

I've been battling with photography for a week now and after trying every combination of incandescent and CFL bulbs I could think of, I tossed them all into a box and brought everything outside. The pics are the best I can get for now with my 3 pixel Canon A70 and a very old monitor (the poor artist thing is highly over-rated). So let me know if these look any better and I'll see if I can scare up a new monitor and maybe borrow a better camera.
"Lemons and Cup"
10" x 5 3/4"
Oil on canvas board