Tuesday, May 29, 2012


This is a charcoal portrait of my nieces' daughter Kaylee that I did for their wedding to go along with the sheath. I hadn't done one in awhile and I really enjoyed it as a break from painting. It's done on 18"x24" Strathmore charcoal paper. I think I'll be doing more in the future.

Frank's Sheath

Here's a rawhide sheath I recently made for my nieces' husband Frank. It's made from deer rawhide, cowhide, buffalo, pig and kangaroo with bone and antler beads and button. The cone danglers are horse hair. I read somewhere that the Native Americans believed they would inherit the spirit and traits of the animals they carried. I figured he might need all the help he can get.
Wow, I didn't think it was this long since I had last posted. I've been busy enjoying the weather, getting healthy, planting the garden, doing leather work and painting...and keeping my fluids up. Still have the crappy camera problem but I'll have to live with it for now. I'm going to try to post a little more often now that I have more time.